There is nothing more depressing than being mired in debt with seemingly no way to gain back control of your finances. No matter how hard you try or how many times you rewrite your budget, it seems like matters go from bad to worse. Perhaps you’re approaching it in the wrong way. Maybe you are putting too much emphasis on budgeting and not enough attention to what really matters. It may take a while but getting control of your finances can be simpler than you think with these 3 tips.
1. Hit That Magic Button – Instant Reset
The very first thing you should do is an instant reset. Obviously, what you have been doing up until now hasn’t been effective, so maybe it’s time to wipe the slate clean. Forget what you think you know and learn a new way of doing things. You’ve heard the expression, “back to the drawing board,” and that’s exactly where you need to be now.
2. If You Need It Get It – If You Don’t Then Forget It
Before even thinking about drawing up a whole new budget, get in the mindset that there are just some things you can’t do without. These would be such things as tools of the trade, for example. If you are a web developer working with a laptop that is all but obsolete, you can’t very well meet with clients showing them graphics that take ten minutes to load. Why aren’t you making those sales? It’s simple. You are trying to load graphics with a GPU that is several generations old. Instead of foregoing a new laptop, look for a Yoga Sale where you can get up to 34% off. Now you are in a position to show how quickly that web page loads and how precise the graphics are.
3. It’s Time to Jump on the Tracks
As a child, you probably read or watched the movie adaptation of “The Little Engine That Could.” A brief synopsis of the plot is about a little engine that needed to climb a steep mountain rail and the only way he made it to the top was to continue muttering his mantra, “I think I can. I think I can. I know I can.” It was this positive attitude that propelled him to the top and that’s just what you need to do. Jump on those tracks to the top of your mountain knowing you can do this. It’s all about letting go of all those doubts and forging ahead with major positivity.
Are you getting it yet? It’s not that you shouldn’t carefully draft a budget because you most certainly should. It’s not that you need to deprive yourself of things you need to be successful in your line of work. It’s all about putting yourself in a mindset where you know that you can get control of your life, of your finances. Here, we refer to a book that inspired many leaders since 1952. Written by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking can bring you to a place inside yourself where you are ready to succeed. Nothing spurs a bout of binge spending quite like depression so if you want to get control of your finances, it’s time to let yourself know that know you can do it! You really can.
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